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Celebrating 150 Years

Kentucky Derby Museum
Capturing the magic of a moment – and converting it into engagement.

The Challenge

The 150th running of the Kentucky Derby is a really big occasion – but only for one day in May. How could the Kentucky Derby Museum take the magic of that moment and turn it into a compelling, continuous reason for locals and tourists to visit the museum all year round?

The Solution

We made it about much more than that one moment in May. Because there’s only one place where you can experience all 150 Derby races – The Kentucky Derby Museum.

Media on a Mission:Everyone Has A Horse In This Race

To ride momentum from 2023’s Secretariat campaign, we utilized behavioral targeting, look-alike modeling and geo-fencing to hyper-target highly specific audiences – from avid racing fans to dedicated sports fans to museum-goers and locals with a love for Kentucky-centric attractions. With continued media touch points like CTV and interactive high-impact page grabber, we created culturally and contextually relevant connections that drove awareness – and ticket sales.

kentucky derby museum billboard ad
kentucky derby museum wild postings

Brand Refresh:A Horse Of A Different Color

Thanks to their distinctive designs and vibrant colors, jockey silks are one of the most iconic aspects of horse racing – and the perfect way to capture all the energy, passion and colorful culture Derby is known for. So, we used the occasion of the 150th Kentucky Derby to unveil KDM’s brightly colored, silk-inspired brand refresh.

kentucky derby museum branding color identity
High-Impact Placements

Open The Gates

Capturing all the electricity of the fastest two minutes in sports, this full-page placement took over relevant websites with the prompt “Click to release more horses.” Click by click, users could send horses racing across the page – after which our :30 spot would pop up (reaching an audience we knew was already proactively engaged).

kentucky derby museum social campaign
kentucky derby museum social campaign

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