There’s nothing fun about a gas leak. It smells, it’s dangerous and it’s difficult to deal with. Which is why most people tune out the moment a gas safety message starts up.
Gas Safety: Songs for the Signs
LG&E and KU
Harnessing the power of music to teach gas safety to Kentuckians.
The Challenge
The Solution
Instead of overtly educating or explaining, we turned each sign of a gas leak into its own song. But these weren’t just jingles. We tailored each track to a different genre and a different, delightfully over-the-top animated act of our own creation – making it easy (and enjoyable) to remember how to handle a gas leak.

Picking the perfect platform
These catchy, identifiable songs were a natural fit alongside regular radio programming. We added a DJ to each spot to help reinforce key messaging and to catch listeners off guard by making them think our songs were part of a station’s regular rotation.
Rotten Eggs
Dead Vegetation